The Iziko Museums of South Africa, is privileged to be the custodians of two massive Rock Art Reproductions, the Ha Baroana (Lesotho) and Mutoko (Zimbabwe).
In 2022, the Iziko Museums of South Africa, as a standard good practice in conservation, undertook an assessment performed by Bradley Mottie and Janene Van Wyk. In this participatory presentation, Mottie and van Wyk will recount the results of this assessment, which found that the artefact was in bad/fragile condition – it was dry, brittle and created on acidic paper with numerous tears, holes and loss of material. The damage was further compounded by other factors such as incorrect handling, improper storage methods and environmental conditions over several decades. Iziko Museums of South Africa partnered with Théophile de Bonnaventure, Directeur Général – La Reliure du Limousin, who organised and sought approval for this intervention/conservation internship project, utilising conservation staff and interns from CFA La Reliure Du Limousin (France), Cuan Hahndiek (Manager, Memorist South Africa) and staff working on the UCT Jagger Library Collection
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